
Car Rental Insurance

Understanding Rental Car Insurance

Renting a car can be a great way to get around, whether you’re on vacation or if you just need some extra wheels for the weekend. But when it comes to rental car insurance, renting a car can be confusing. What types of coverage do you need? Will your existing policy cover rental cars? Let’s take a look at all the facts about car insurance and rental cars that you need to know.

Do I Need Different Coverage for Rental Cars?

The short answer is yes, you do need different coverage for rental cars. Your regular auto insurance policy will not cover any damage done to a rental vehicle. If you don’t have the right type of coverage, then you might be liable for the entire cost of repair or replacement should something go wrong while renting a car. The good news is that there are several ways to obtain coverage when renting a car.

Options for Car Insurance Coverage When Renting a Car

When it comes to getting the right type of coverage when renting a car, there are several options available to you:

Credit Card Insurance

Many credit card companies provide some form of rental insurance when using their cards to rent vehicles. Generally speaking, these policies are secondary—meaning they will only kick in after any other primary policies have been exhausted—and may not include full coverage. Therefore, always check with your credit card company before relying on this type of protection.


You can also purchase personalized deductibles from your local auto insurer as well as from many online companies. These policies generally offer greater flexibility than credit card insurances and can provide complete protection against damages caused by an accident or theft while renting a car. Again, check with your auto insurer before taking out any additional deducible policies so that you understand exactly what kind of coverage they provide and what sort of premium needs to be paid upfront.

Collision Damage Waivers

Most rental companies offer collision damage waivers (CDW) as part of their package deal when renting a vehicle. A CDW will typically cover any damages caused by an accident or theft while using the rental vehicle but keep in mind that this type of protection does not usually include medical bills or liability costs associated with an accident. So make sure to read up on the details before signing anything!

If all else fails, your personal auto insurance policy may come into play here too depending on the terms and conditions outlined within it; so it’s always worth double-checking with your provider first before committing yourself financially elsewhere.

Renting a car comes with its own set of risks and rewards. But understanding what type of insurance coverage you need beforehand can help minimize those risks considerably and ensure peace of mind when out on the road! There are several different options available depending on how much time and money you want to dedicate towards protecting yourself from potential damages or losses incurred while renting a vehicle; so make sure to do some research beforehand and always read up on the fine print before signing anything! With these tips in hand, you’ll be able to enjoy stress-free adventures behind the wheel no matter where life takes you!

For more information on rental car insurance contact Premier Insurance Consultants, your Greenville insurance agent.

Disclaimer: This article is not expert advice. Limitations and conditions may apply. Please check with your local Independent Insurance Agent for details.