
Understanding Life Insurance

Understanding Life Insurance

As an adult, you understand the importance of preparing for the future. One of the most important steps you can take is understanding life insurance. Life insurance gives you peace of mind knowing that your family will be taken care of in your absence. It may seem confusing at first, but understanding how life insurance works is simpler than it appears. Lets break down what life insurance is and why its important to purchase a policy.

Types of Life Insurance Policies

There are two main types of life insurance policies: term and permanent. Term life insurance offers coverage over a set period of time. Typically between 10-30 years—and pays out only if the policyholder passes away within this time frame. Permanent life insurance provides lifelong coverage and includes an investment component that builds cash value over time. It also typically offers additional living benefits such as long-term care coverage or disability income protection.

When a life insurance policyholder dies, the insurer pays out a claim to the policy beneficiary as long as all premiums have been paid up to date. To begin the claims process, the policy beneficiary must provide proof of death such as an official death certificate. Claim proceeds are typically paid out in lump sum and may be used for covering medical or funeral expenses incurred from the deceased’s passing, supplementing lost income, and/or providing financial security for those left behind. Additionally, some policies include access to certain services such as counseling and financial guidance beneficial for those managing loved one’s estates. All in all, life insurance can play an important role in protecting the financial futures of both policyholders and their beneficiaries.

Does life insurance actually pay and is it worth it?

The short answer is yes. When a death occurs due to suicide, natural causes or an accident the family of the insured will receive some form of financial support through the life insurance policy. However, there are exceptions to this. For instance, death from suicide if within the contestability period. If premiums are not paid per the contract then the policy may become void, preventing pay out at death. Additionally, some illegal activities may also cause invalidation of the policy leading to non-payment from the company. So while life insurance does typically pay out when a death occurs, there are certain conditions that could prevent it. 

Can I cash in my life insurance before I die?

Depending on the kind of life insurance you have, you may be able to cash in your policy. Universal life insurance, for example, has a cash value component that allows policyholders to use cash accumulations to pay premiums and other expenses. Depending on the structure of your policy, it might be possible to withdraw cash from this portion. Policy loans may have interest fees as well as other associated costs. Before cash is taken out though, it’s important to check if the cash surrender value will fully or partially offset your death benefit. Ultimately, an insurance agent or financial advisor can help guide you through any decision involving cashing in your life insurance before death.

How Much Coverage Do You Need?

The amount of coverage you need depends on your individual needs. Factors like age, lifestyle, and financial commitments will determine how much to insure yourself for. Here are some points to consider when determining how much coverage you need:

  • Your current salary & projected future earnings
  • The number of dependents who rely on your income
  • Any outstanding debts or mortgages
  • Education expenses for dependents
  • Final expenses (funeral costs)

When it comes to protecting yourself and your loved ones, having a life insurance policy is one of the best decisions you can make. By taking into account factors like age, lifestyle, finances, and number of dependents, you can determine which type of policy best fits your needs.  This will help ensure your family will be taken care of even if something were to happen to you suddenly. With proper planning and guidance from an experienced financial advisor or Greenville insurance agent, purchasing and understanding life insurance doesnt have to be complicated or overwhelming. Don’t wait any longer; contact us and start planning for tomorrow today!

Disclaimer: This article is not expert advice. Limitations and conditions may apply. Premiums will be based on benefits chosen. Please check with your local Independent Insurance Agent for details.