
Driving Habits

How the Pandemic Changed Our Driving Habits

2020 was a year of unprecedented change for many, and the pandemic has not only changed our daily lives, but also how we get around and our driving habits. So what changes have we seen in the way we use our cars? Let’s explore.

Fewer Miles Driven

One of the most common changes reported is that fewer miles are being driven each day. With more people working from home, there is less need for commuting to and from the office. This decrease in miles driven has been significant; according to a recent report by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Americans drove 25% less during March of 2020 than they did during March of 2019.

Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities

Despite the decrease in vehicles on roads due to COVID-19, 2020 saw an unprecedented increase in fatal crashes – with 38,824 people losing their lives. The fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles driven rose a devastating 21%, marking it as one of the largest jumps ever recorded. Contrastingly, there was also a drop in injuries related to motor vehicle accidents by 17%. A complex flip between increases and decreases that paints an unsettling picture for road safety today.

Seat Belts

While overall seat belt usage only dropped marginally, its lack of use came with serious consequences: unrestrained passengers were particularly at risk in 2020 due to increases in other unsafe driving behaviors. Sadly, over half (51%) of those killed while riding as a passenger vehicle occupant that year had not buckled up.

Alcohol Impaired Driving Fatalities

Despite a brief decrease in alcohol-impaired driving fatalities early on during the pandemic, 2020 saw an overall increase of 14% compared to 2019. As these fatal crashes accounted for 30% of all road deaths that year, summer months experienced particularly concerning spikes with 29%, as measured by fatality rate per 100 million VMT (vehicle miles traveled).


In 2020, the number of alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities rose significantly compared to 2019. This resulted in a staggering 30% share of all traffic fatality numbers that year. While March and April saw a slight decrease in such incidents initially during the pandemic period, they soon began increasing again with an especially high spike seen in these driving habits during summer months.

Map Apps Increase in Popularity

With so many changes in travel restrictions due to Covid-19, map apps such as Google Maps and Waze have become increasingly popular for navigating unfamiliar places. These apps provide up-to-date information on road closures, traffic jams and detours so that drivers can make informed decisions about their route plans before leaving home. This helps reduce any surprises along the way which can add time or stress onto a driver’s journey.

The pandemic has brought about many changes in our driving habits and how we live our lives. Incredibly, while fewer cars graced the streets and highways during this unprecedented time in history, risky behavior behind the wheel increased significantly across many areas – with some dangers being more impactful than ever before. For whatever reason drivers chose to take these risks is uncertain; however one thing remains steadfast: no matter what challenges 2023 presents us with let’s remember that safe driving should always come first!

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Traffic data received from the Office of Behavior Safety Research and Wagner.

Disclaimer: This article is not expert advice.